Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Windchime Craze!

Yes, that IS my new obsession!! Been doing all kind of windchimes.... Mainly recycled stuff that I have at home... I like the concept of recycling and re-using..... Although I have spent a little fortune in beads and ribbons but the main stuff I use are recycled.... Here are the ones I have so far....

Again, ideas, feedback would be great!!!

Basics.... CD (HP printer setup for the curious!)

A couple of necklaces my grandma gave me (she gets them for free from all these marketing buy over the phone shops!)

Voilà..... Colours are crème, silver, light pink... colours here are a bit distorted due to our lovely hot pink wall!

Got an idea what these are?
(I introduce you to our kitchen spice rack in the background by the way!)

By far I think this is my favorite as it is my memories of Ethiopia.....

Ethiopian St Georges beer caps I collected while there, seeds my mum, Flora and me collected on an island of lake Tana where a monastery was based. The monastery is a men only so is the whole small island, so the monks there were 'kind' enough to allow us on a bench under a tree while my dad visited the monastery... so we picked seeds that had fallen from the tree!

The animals were already part of another windchime....
The bottom big flat one is also a seed from Ethiopia; it impressed me so much when I saw it hanging on a tree (I could swear I had never seen this seed before!) that our poor and super adorable Aby (our driver) stopped the car under the tree and both him and me ended up on the car roof to collect the seeds....

Here it is! My mum receiving on the ground, and Girma, like always wondering if this family can get any weirder!

Now, the interesting part is that, one day, like everyday for a while now, I stumble into our work building parking lot half awake.. However, I look up and notice that our entrance tree has these same seeds as these that impressed me so much in Ethiopia!! ehhehe So much for 'these are exotic seeds from an exotic place!' hahaha

But mine ARE exotic anyways! hehehe

So... one more windchime....

Cards! This one was to solve a dilemna of....

What the hell do I do with all this junk?!

While cleaning my drawers I found random bulky plastic black, white, red bangles...

At least 4 sets of cards, thick black chains.... So... here it goes.... It's a funky one I guess.... Not my favorite though... Trying to find this one a home! It's up for adoption! :)

Right Folks! That's it for now.... I have finally moved on (ish, not fully yet!) from the windchime craze so the coming ones will be different I promise..... to come.... Sun in a jar, VanGogh's Starry Night lamp, head bands, gift cans, ..... these are all done or on the way..... 

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