Friday, 29 October 2010


Right so it's decided we're spending 10 days in the North of Ethiopia when my parents come visit. Here's the itinerary:

View North Ethiopia Trip in a larger map

As for the rest, no news of Sister Lutgarda hasn't replied to me yet but she knows I'm coming!

And for my project of opening a foundation there for post fistula patients I still didn't do much apart from researching how to write a proposal and funding requests.

I had a great discussion with a friend of my mum though, super experienced in development in Africa and she had a couple of great pieces of advice such as, research even if it means sleeping infront of your place of interest 4 nights before they accept speaking to you!!! Sounds.. erm.. exciting!! No but seriously, this project isn't down the drain and I will work on it as soon as I get to Uganda....

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