Monday, 29 November 2010

Bye bye Uganda....

There we go again..... It's my last night in Uganda and not too joyful about it.... I know I'm repeating myself but I loved this country, I fell at ease here. The first week is dis-orienting as your bearrings are flipped upside down; I didn't know what to do with myself the first week or so... how do I manage? and it was great being put back on my toes, remembering that I was iving in a routine and too comfortable, this is it, this is why I want to keep on travelling because you get thrown out of this comfort zone you so dearly hang on to.....

A dear one told me not long ago the important isn't the destination, it's the journey.... It's true... To be honest I haven't see anything of Uganda! I stayed in Kampala for most of it and my plans to go see the Sipi Falls, Murchison Falls and all the rest fell apart very quickly. I didn't want to rush in this country, I liked getting to know the people around me, Kampala, the smell and feel of the city and it's great! Now I know I will come back to see slowly the rest of the country, take my time.... I think Uganda is a country I will happily come visit regularly if I have the chance to....

And I end Uganda on a wonderful story..... I had lunch today with a girl I met at the retreat; we chatted away for a while until I mentioned fistula victims. She jumped up and said, oh wow, this is what I am currently working on!!! Her project at work right now is to find an after fistula life to these patients and what could be done to re-insert them in society! Exactly what i'm looking into!! It was great sharing ideas AND she's already done her research and field work so she is going to help me out.... Now I'm thinking she is far more knowledgable than me in the field PLUS she already works for an organization that has the funding, so, I might see if her company would be ok me doing the field research in Ethiopia and then according to my results extend their project to Ethiopia or if they can't ask for some kind of partnership of some sort.... Anyway, this chat was out of this world it was such a coincidence although, I have to say, it's been a couple of months now, I don't believe in coincidences anymore, things always happen for a reason, and they always will so look out for signs and think twice about these random moments you had; they held a sign... they usually do.....

Hussein and his engine

Anyways, sorry  it's late and I'm blaberring.... So yes, I've said bye bye to my joyful Hussein and trying as hard as I can to part from this view and feel of Kampala...... Goodbyes with Vik tomorrow might be tough as well.....

Tomorrow this time I will be in Addis in a hotel as I am not going straight away to the convent. I'll go there fresh next morning to face a new city, a new lifestyle and new kids!!! eheheh

Again I'm turning a page...... See you in Ethiopia...

PS: There is still a lot I haven't spoken about regarding the Uganda part of this trip so I will be going back and forth in my thoughts. So apologies in advance for any confusion this might cause....

1 comment:

  1. A l'heure qu'il est, tu dois être sur les routes, dans les airs pour rejoindre l'Ethiopie, le coeur GROS... d'avoir quitté Vick, Husseïn et son bel engin, les enfants, les compagnons de chemin et les beaux paysages de l'Ouganda..., avec de merveilleux souvenirs plein la tête. Oui, Banouche, les départs, les séparations sont toujours difficiles surtout quand, en quelques petites semaines, on a accumulé tant d'expériences, de rencontres, d'impressions qui vous changent la vision des choses, vous permettent, enfin, de reconnaître l'essentiel du superflu. Et ceci, je sens bien que tu l'as réalisé et déjà, je te sens changée... Heba, je suis si heureuse que tu sois là où tu es, que tu aies entrepris ce beau voyage de l'esprit dans ces contrées inconnues pour la grande majorité d'entre-nous. Je te souhaite une belle arrivée sur Addis et suis bien certaine que là aussi, tu vas faire de belles découvertes et expériences. Dis-toi que ce n'est qu'un petit aurevoir à l'Ouganda puisque tu as encore tant de choses à y vivre et à y découvrir. Tu as eu raison de ne te consacrer qu'aux personnes qui étaient autour de toi. Cela ne sert à rien de tout précipiter et de tout vouloir faire en même temps. Les chutes Sipi, Murchison Falls et tout le reste sauront d'attendre... Je te souhaite une bonne installation dans ton nouveau "royaume", ma chérie et pense fort fort à Toi. bizzzzzzzzzzz
