Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Silent Retreat coming up....

So… this retreat at the Uganda Buddhist Center is coming close…

We received an email with the guidelines; it turned out Vik cannot make it, so I am going alone. Vik gave me a nice little tent to pitch at the center. I’ve already tested the setup and packing in the garden, and like a good camper (this is ironic by the way!!) it worked out well….

So I’m all prepared for Friday except that it tuned out to be a silent retreat and not really a yoga one… Hehhehe so the details we received are as below:

Retreat Schedule
* A typical meditation and yoga retreat daily schedule starts at 7:00am and ends at 9:00pm. The day is spent in silent practice comprising alternate periods of sitting and walking meditation, as well as a approximately 45 minutes work period and 45 minutes yoga period. Comprehensive Insight meditation instructions and talks about the mental development are offered each day.
* In addition, group discussion with the teachers take place at regular intervals.
* The 45 minutes of daily work period is an opportunity to practice mindfulness in everyday activities, such as chopping vegetables, washing dishes, cleaning the center. This voluntary service helps us to offer our courses at affordable rates or free of charge.

Noble Silence
* Once the retreat begins, you will be asked to retreat and honor, "noble silence" - a quieting of the body and voice that helps cultivate a calm and peaceful retreat environment . Noble silence also encompasses avoiding reading, writing, texting messages, using the telephone, or otherwise keeping busy and distracted. By leaving at home the many activities and communications that worldly life entails, you offer yourself the gift of stillness and peace.
* Silence is broken at the end of the retreat, in time to allow you to talk and share your experience with other participants.

*** This is where it gets interesting……


* If you are a smoker and feel you must smoke while you are on a retreat, please contact us before coming and we will find a way of accommodating your needs.

What I did here was to email then, telling them I am a smoker, willing to try not to smoke for 3 days and that my only pack will be handed to a member of the UBC team. This way I will have to ask for a cigarette everytime I want one… But I’m aiming at not smoking at all…. (Erm… let me light one right now to compensate!!)

So you won’t hear of me starting Friday till Sunday or Monday… Have a thought for me… This looks tough!!!


  1. Te voilà donc prête à partir pour cette retraite et seule en plus ! Même sans Viktoria, tu n'as pas laché ce projet. Je penserai bien à toi durant ces 3 jours. Une expérience toute nouvelle, peut être pas si simple mais qui va t'enrichir - une vraie réflexion sur soi-même. Tu auras des choses à m'apprendre sur la méditation - une discipline qui m'est toujours difficile. Je l'ai encore essayé ce matin dans le beau Wadi Feynan ! Mais...
    Je te souhaite de trouver l'énergie positive dans ta retraite et avec ceux qui vont être présents avec toi. "Ferme les yeux et ton troisiême oeil s'ouvrira"
    Le seul moyen, pour moi d'être à tes côtés sera de lacher la cigarette durant les 3 jours de ta retraite. Je le ferai - je me sentirai plus proche de toi.
    Je t'embrasse fort.

  2. Je viens de me pencher sur tes toute dernières nouvelles nous annonçant l'arrivée imminente de ta retraite où, c'est certain, tu vas faire de toutes nouvelles nouvelles expériences qui vont te faire "sortir" de ton corps et de ton mental, des tas de sensations, impressions jusque là inconnues. Mais pas si simple... certainement! En tous cas, je penserai très fort à toi durant ces 3 jours de retraite. Heureuse de savoir aussi que tout se passe bien , dans la sérénité pour toi, comme au premier jour, Banouche.
    Bises tout tout plein.
