Saturday, 27 November 2010

Children of Ruhanga

I promise to speak a bit more about the kids, school, projects of Ruhanga Development Network as they are doing a fabuluous job out there and really need help with all of it either financial or volunteering out there. But not tonight, I'm too tired and the thought of not seeing these kids tomorrow already puts me down...
Yes, coming from the girl who never liked kids..... I adored these kids, they had a spark of wittiness, extremely bright and quick learners. They were great and tough. The life they have is impressive, but I will not go into the whole poor African children because deep inside, I envy them more than I envy our XBox/iPod kids. So anyways, before going to bed, I would like to spend a couple of minutes introducing some of them and I will continue later but for now just for me to feel a bit closer to them.... (Yes, I actually really miss them already!!!)

First, I don't know all their names first because you constantly have 150 kids around buzzing second because when you ask them their name they start super well with a loud MY NAME IS... and then it goes into mumbles for some reason so you never catch their names (unless you manage to catch a teacher on time to point at the kid -if he hasn't run off meanwhile!-).

My all time favorite girl is Ossana... Beautifully quiet... The first day she buzzed around me without really daring to approach but the second day and afterwards she was a little shadow... Wonderful girl..... 

This is Kennedy; had Polio a while back and now has a limp. Somehow when you look at him and the way he acts, he's a normal kid full of life. He's funny but will also come running towards you for a hug.

 This is Duncan, very cute smile, usually wearing his red-ish pyjama top (that day we had taken him in for a new shirt and a badge to be put on!). He is one of the first kids that stopped calling me Muzungu and called me Haba. It was great not to be just a muzungu anymore but a person.... And I sponsored him, so now I support Duncan so he can have porridge at school (really not that much but it is usually the only decent nutritious meal they'll have). About the sponsoring, I will also dedicate a page to that as it is important if you guys can to help... We're talking 3.50 British Pounds per month here by the way so its not an amount that should even be regarded!! More on that later.. But yeah that's Duncan!

Ok more children tomorrow as really tired... Off to bed....


  1. Ma cherie, tu te découvres avec ces magnifiques enfants, une nouvelle vocation ! L'Ouganda n'a de cesse de te faire découvrir toi-même et de te surprendre toi-même ! Tu les chéris, ces enfants et tu les as quittés avec beaucoup de regrets. Te voilà donc la "marraine" de Duncan, si j'ai bie compris?
    Leur regard nous laisse rêveurs, hein ?. Beaux portraits. Tu me raconteras encore plus de vive voix, je l'espêre bien.Je t'embrasse

  2. Là Banouche, tu nous fais un beau cadeau de portraits de tes enfants par tes photos et de commentaires sur eux. Ils sont tous touchants et à croquer! Leur regard et leur sourire sont en effet révélateur d'une joie de vivre malgré toutes leurs difficultés au quotidien. kennedy me va droit au coeur...Que j'aimerais les avoir autour de moi dans une classe!... N'oublie pas de nous parler de ce parrainage auquel tu penses, c'est une excellente idée, Heba. Je te laisse à tes rêves sur ces enfants qui t'ont fait passé de si beaux moments en leur compagnie... Bizzz ma Chérie.
