It started pretty hectic as my taxi driver never showed up (couldn’t take a boda-boda as I had a tent and all). So Vik took me downtown and from there found a taxi… The guy (Jason) confirmed he knew where he was going only to find out half way through that not only he has not one clue where we’re going but also, he has zero notion of English. So after stopping at a couple of Bodaboda stations, ask for someone who speaks English to explain to Jason what I am looking for and translate directions.
Hornbill (photo taken from Wikipedia) |
I saw hornbills which are impressive creatures and they are such heavy birds that when they fly above your head it sounds like a bicycle coming at full speed (the sound of the wind in the wheels!). I’ll find a photo online to attach to that…. Unfortunately because it was a retreat I didn’t take my camera thus have no photos of this peaceful haven…..
So the ‘noble silence’ was respected for 3 days and it taught me a lot; because I spent three days with the same people, not even knowing their names, but somehow you know them, you know their habits, you get a vibe of their personality; you already know the ones you’ll get along with once the silence is broken. And when we finally broke the silence, it was great to be able to exchange names and a couple of sentences (as unfortunately we had to leave 30mins after we broke silence). So it was nice having a couple of lovely girls giving me their numbers to meet up in Kampala if I have the time or stay in touch for the next time. It was great….
As for meditation, well, our first one was at 5.30 in the morning and I have to say, it was the best meditation sessions I had on both days. The first day was incredible, a high of colours, a buzz and y body started rocking back and forth; I was aware of it but was unable to control it. About the colours, ok, please don’t laugh but, it felt like a fountain of colours exploding from the top of my head and I could feel each colour falling back to its respective chakra. Then, I was exhausted for the rest of the day; this first 45 minute meditation drained me. The rest of the meditations were ok, I couldn’t focus much and to be honest, doing 45 minutes mediation session 5 times a day (without counting the standing and walking meditation sessions) was too much for me…. I’m not big on meditation I realized… but great experience really enriching…
And yes, my closed pack of cigarettes was handed out to the retreat manager and I symbolically left it there (still closed!) when I left the center. So now it’s my third day with no cigarettes; it feels good, I am missing the habit more than the need for nicotine. But I’ll be honest, I feel a part of me is missing, sad but true; the cigarette was part of me… Hopefully to never come back in my life… I am not taking any with me to Ruhanga anyways so….
Tomorrow Hussein is coming to pick me up at 6.30am to be at the bus station at 7!! I promised him a Bounty if he’s on time!! I found his weak spot!!! Heheh So getting ready for a 5 hours drive tomorrow… Should be fun…
Bon, on peut dire qu'entre tes chauffeurs de boda boda et tes chauffeurs de taxi, l'Ougada est déjà une belle aventure en soi ! Mais,comme à celà viennent s'ajouter de grandioses paysages et sa faune, l'aventure devient paradisiaque - et c'est sans parler de la "fontaine de couleurs" qui t'a envahie lors de ta 1ere méditation. Tu as dû vivre un instant tres particulier - que tu me retraceras, hein? Tu m'expliqueras aussi comment on peut faire 5 sessions de méditation par jour! sans craquer, en plus, le silence durant 3 jours.
ReplyDeleteEn tous cas, je suis heureuse que tu sois allée jusqu'au bout de cette retraite.
J'attends maintenant le contre rendu del'aventure suivante ! Je t'embrasse fort.
Eh ben voilà, Banouche, tu les as faits ces 3 jours de silence, ils sont bien derrière toi ces 3 Grands jours de méditation et SANS CIGARETTES en plus! SUPERBE! Je suis fière de toi. Moi aussi, ça m'intrigue cette "fontaine de couleurs". Tu essaieras de nous l'expliquer avec le ressenti de tes sensations en même temps. C'est bien, tu as récolté quelques adresses en fin de stage. Cela peut toujours être utile et agréable. tu es donc de nouveau sur les routes depuis ce matin, pour le Sud, m'a dit Françoise. Alors bonne route et mets-toi-z-en plein les mirettes, les oreilles et le nez. Je sais qu'on peut compter sur toi dans le domaine! Bisous, ma chérie, merci pour ces nouvelles très régulières que tu nous offres. C'est un très beau et chaud cadeau. BON VENT, ma Chérie. Bizzzzzzzzzz
ReplyDeleteJe ne sais pas ce qui s'est passé avec mon commentaire mais il est incompréhensible!!! Tant pis! Je te demanderai donc de faire travailler ton imagination, Banouche.... bizzzz